Course search

Programmes comprise a set of courses arranged into themes.

Academic Staff Development Programme

No booking required

Each individual workshop requires you to book a place through PDMS. You do not need to 'complete' the programme (the workshops all complement each other, but are offered on a stand-alone basis).

Dignity and Inclusion Portfolio

Booking required

The Dignity and Inclusion Portfolio DIP is a programme of training and resources which addresses issues related to equality diversity inclusion and wellbeing in the workplace.

Essential courses for postgraduates who teach

Booking required

This 7-hour commitment consists of four components to be completed at the start of the semester teaching is to begin. It must be fully completed before engaging in any teaching activities and only needs to be completed once.


No booking required

GRADskills is operated by CEED for St Leonards College and supports the development of research postgraduate students to improve their research capability and widen their employability inside and outside of academia.


Booking required

MSkills is a development programme specifically for Masters students. For more information please visit the MSkills webpage:

St Andrews Manager Programme

Booking required

This programme will run as 4 consecutive day sessions Participants will be emailed the dates set for attending.


Booking required

Write your journal article! 12 steps to submission

Booking required

This workshop series is an introduction to the complex world of academic publishing and is designed to give writers in a variety of disciplines practical experience in getting their work published in peer-reviewed journals. We will use the core text Writi